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Amiga Emulation Disks Download Itunes

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by lantertberri1986 2020. 2. 13. 21:42



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Yesterday i was talking about this in the openMSX irc channel, and also i summited a feature request to openMSX on SourceforgeI post this here because i want to know what the MSX community thinks about it.I think that all MSX emulators must support the TZX format, we need to have a format that can hold a perfect copy of a Cassette, for preservation purporses. The TZX is the only format that can hold all information for doing a perfect duplicate(not like WAV and Cas). I think that this is important because me and others have got some original strange cassettes and i want to have a backup of it, because a cassette is not forever, and i dont like cracked backup versions out there and bad disk images created from a cassette version which doesn't work right.TZX is used in the Spectrum scene and it's their default format for preservation, it can be used for C64, Amstrad(They are using it renamed to CDT to distinguish from a Spectrum Tape image). Are there any tools to create IPF? I did not find any.From what I understand from the CAPS Project page, it also stores other information about a game, like cover and manual scans.There exists a program on MSX called HDDEMU which creates disk images with a header file that includes information about the copy protection. It handles most copy protections used on MSX, and I'm sure it can be extended to handle the last unsupported ones.For the rest, there's also the FDI format which can store any disk format, so that includes unformatted or otherwise copy protected disks.

This format does have a tool available to make diskimages, although it costs a bit money and runs on MS-DOS.As for TZX. WAV IS a perfect duplicate, and anyone can create it easily. The benefit of TZX would only be smaller files. GuyveR800 wrote:Are there any tools to create IPF?

Amiga Emulation Disks Download Itunes

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I did not find any.From what I understand from the CAPS Project page, it also stores other information about a game, like cover and manual scans.No, there aren't any tools to create IPF, you must send the floppy to the CAPS team and they do the dump.Why? Because they do professional dumps, they don't only dump your disk using theirs tools, they also check that your disk is valid(no bad sectors) and also check that it's no altered in any way(hasn't been writed), and also check your disk against other disks to verify it(if your disk has a bad sector they can also mix in with other disk with the same sector good but others bad, to obtain a good image).


This is a warranty of quality.Their goal is to create dumps of disks that in the future with a special device can be writed back to a disk, like original disk makers did.With FDI and HDDEMU, you can obtain 2 disks diferent from the same orginal disk. Also FDI exist for the Amiga and it's not a good format.Read more about CAPS deeply.And the dumps can only be maken by Amiga Floppy Disks(a good copu can't be made with a PC disk controller or a MSX FDD), the reasen is very long to explain here, again read more about CAPS they say the why.Also the IPF format dont stores information about scans,covers.they distribute it sometimes in the same Zip file.And you can download IPF files fron their page, you must go to IRC or P2P clients to download them(For legal reasons).GuyveR800 wrote:As for TZX. WAV IS a perfect duplicate, and anyone can create it easily. The benefit of TZX would only be smaller files.BiFi wrote:Smaller files like WAV? Something like. MP3 or OGG perhaps?WAV isn't a perfect duplicate, it contains the original game wave form + noise(this is inevitable due to analog source), for example back to 80s, what is the best form to duplicate a cassette(without protection), using a tape-to-tape recorder or using a copy software? Better to copy digital data than analog data, isn't?Also two people can get different wav from the same Game, but digitally it's not possible.Comparing a WAV format(Holding analog data) VS digital data is like comparing VHS versus DVD, i can do a copy with a VHS but it's not perfect.

WAV isn't a perfect duplicate, it contains the original game wave form + noise(this is inevitable due to analog source), for example back to 80s, what is the best form to duplicate a cassette(without protection), using a tape-to-tape recorder or using a copy software? Better to copy digital data than analog data, isn't?I must say, that now you are messing together two different things. To get the data to digital form, you have to convert it from analog to digital.

If you use wav-format, you will get the data + noice, but how can you say, that the data without noice is more perfect than pure data?If you want to get a rid of the noice, then just downsample that for example 16bit WAV to 1bit data. MSX can read only 1bit data, so there is no damage done.

The noice is anyway part of original data. I forexample remember, that one of my cassette players did not erase the cassette well enough before writeing to that. There fore I could hear the original music 'behind' the MSX program. If I would downsample the WAV to 1bit digital data, what I think you are now suggesting, I would lose the music.

Sometimes analog data might be even part of the program. (Look: In this case MSX is the limit, data is much better, than MSX can read.Also two people can get different wav from the same Game, but digitally it's not possible.Comparing a WAV format(Holding analog data) VS digital data is like comparing VHS versus DVD, i can do a copy with a VHS but it's not perfect.Two people will definately get different WAV file from same analog cassette, but so what as long as MSX can load it?

Once the software has been digitized, you can copy it as many times you like without data being changed. WAV is not analog format. NYYRIKKI:No i'm not messing together two different things.

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You are, let's me explain this:A cassette has DIGITAL data codec in an analog medium.There is not analog data, it's like a modem, you send digital data in a analog medium so we dont need to convert Analog data to digital data, we only need to interpret the digital data. Why everybody wants to hold the digital data in Wav format(It's bigger and can't store other information). A MSX Wav image is a digital representation of an analog data that represents digital data.

I bit stupid. This is like when you download a program for internet with your Cable line(Optical fiber) and instead of saving the file you have a wav file which is the digitalization of Laser waveform which represents the program data.(It's possible because optical fiber is an analog medium).And for disks GuyveR800:What the hell are you talking about?!, go to caps-project.org and read about it, or in you can have more information.

But in disks i am not an expert, and i can tell you that an MSX DISK dump must be done with an Amiga Floppy drive(in caps homepage you can find the answer). But in disks i am not an expert, and i can tell you that an MSX DISK dump must be done with an Amiga Floppy drive(in caps homepage you can find the answer).Basicly you want to read the track data instead of the sector data. The disk controller I know on MSX (the WD17/27) has a read track command, but the output is not reliable. On the Amiga reading a track is synchornised correclty (that's why an Amiga disk can hold 880Kb instead of 720). If you look for the tools the Amiga emulation scene buiit to dump diskimages (or maybe trackimages is a better word) you can see that people did experiment on pc's. Basicly they exported one extra pin from the diskdrive to the printer port that allows them to read tracks with a correct sync (using custom tooling).I tried it once using the adr (amiga diskreader), but I didn't succeed in it. I didn't try the disk2fdi tool, as discussed in.Afaik, the tzx format is open for extensions, adding a suitable definition for storing MSX tapes should be possible.

Maybe a nice first step is to implement cas images in tzx and work from that.