Best d*mn DAM app for Mac OS - to replace Media Pro SE for personal use September 5, 2018 3:39 PM Subscribe PhaseOne just emailed me to inform me that they are ceasing development of Media Pro SE, the Mac OS Digital Asset Management software that I've used to catalogue and find my photos and videos since 2004 when it was iView Media Pro.
Selecting the option to 'Block all incoming connections' prevents all sharing services, such as File Sharing and Screen Sharing from receiving incoming connections. The system services that are still allowed to receive incoming connections are: 
	. configd, which implements DHCP and other network configuration services 
mDNSResponder, which implements 
	. racoon, which implements IPSec 
 To use sharing services, make sure 'Block all incoming connections' is deselected. To allow a specific app to receive incoming connections, add it using Firewall Options: 
	. Open System Preferences. 
	. Click the Security or Security & Privacy icon. 
Select the Firewall tab. 
	. Click the lock icon in the preference pane, then enter an administrator name and password. 
	. Click the Firewall Options button 
	. Click the Add Application (+) button.

	. Select the app you want to allow incoming connection privileges for. 
Click Add. 
	. Click OK. 
 You can also remove any apps listed here that you no longer want to allow by clicking the Remove App (-) button. Applications that are signed by a valid certificate authority are automatically added to the list of allowed apps, rather than prompting the user to authorize them. Apps included in OS X are signed by Apple and are allowed to receive incoming connections when this setting is enabled. For example, since iTunes is already signed by Apple, it is automatically allowed to receive incoming connections through the firewall. If you run an unsigned app that is not listed in the firewall list, a dialog appears with options to Allow or Deny connections for the app.
If you choose Allow, OS X signs the application and automatically adds it to the firewall list. If you choose Deny, OS X adds it to the list but denies incoming connections intended for this app. If you want to deny a digitally signed application, you should first add it to the list and then explicitly deny it.
Some apps check their own integrity when they are opened without using code signing. If the firewall recognizes such an app it doesn't sign it. Instead, it the 'Allow or Deny' dialog appears every time the app is opened. This can be avoided by upgrading to a version of the app that is signed by its developer. The application firewall is designed to work with Internet protocols most commonly used by applications – TCP and UDP. Firewall settings do not affect AppleTalk connections. The firewall may be set to block incoming ICMP 'pings' by enabling Stealth Mode in Advanced Settings.
Earlier ipfw technology is still accessible from the command line (in Terminal) and the application firewall does not overrule any rules set using ipfw. If ipfw blocks an incoming packet, the application firewall does not process it.